As effective as antidepressant medications and talk therapy may be, an estimated 50 to 80 percent of people suffering from depression experience repeated bouts of depression without ongoing treatment. However, new research suggests that a hybrid form of psychotherapy, known as “mindfulness-based cognitive therapy” (MBCT), can be used to effectively lower the risk of depression recurrences. Cognitive therapy focuses on how thoughts and beliefs influence mood and behavior, with the goal of changing negative thoughts that trigger depression and replacing them with positive, supportive ones. At the same time, mindfulness encourages a person to focus his or her thoughts on the present moment, thereby eliminating distractions or distressing feelings. MBCT typically involves an eight-week program.

Depression is almost impossible to overcome without treatment. By working with one of our experienced therapists, together you can identify and change the thoughts and beliefs that trigger your sadness. We will help you successfully change your thinking so you can avoid recurring bouts of depression, and in some cases, quit taking medication. Don’t suffer another day. Please call one of our offices today or check out the on-line assessments on this website.

P.S. According to the study mentioned above, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) lowered the risk of recurring depression by 31 percent compared to usual care.
