“Gaming disorder,” which entered the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases in 2018, is a term used to describe people who have trouble controlling the amount of time they spend playing digital or video games. These individuals also place a higher priority on gaming than other activities and experience negative effects from their gaming behaviors. People with this disorder are considered to have an addiction that can disrupt family life, relationships, academic pursuits, or work, which can lead to irritation with those who criticize their behavior. Gaming disorder may also give rise to feelings of guilt. With all this in mind, it is important to recognize gaming disorder as something more than just a “phase.”
Games are becoming more complex, and as these games get more complex, there are more aspects of the games that draw people in more deeply. Many games are more interactive. You can talk to people and they can give you a sense of community. These can all be positive things, but it also tends to draw people in deeper and deeper to a game. As the technology advances, the attractions of the game grow stronger. Our compassionate counselors are here to help you. Call one of our offices today to schedule a consultation or take our free on-line assessment located on this website.

P.S. In some cases, excessive gaming may mask another issue such as anxiety or depression.
