All work and no play not only “makes Jack a dull boy,” but it may also make him more likely to experience a wide range of psychiatric disorders. This applies to both male “workaholics” and their female counterparts. It is no surprise that “workaholism,” which has been defined as “being overly concerned about work, driven by an uncontrollable work motivation, and investing so much time and effort to work that it impairs other important life areas,”   affects about 10 percent of the U.S. workforce. What may be surprising is that recent research reveals that workaholics were more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than non-workaholics. Therapy can work to rebalance workaholics’ lives.


If workaholism is having a negative effect on the rest of your life, then our compassionate counselors can help. Plains Area Mental Health provides a safe space and proven techniques for dealing with the pressures and stresses in your life and will help you find a renewed balance. Call one of our offices today or visit our website for a free on-line assessment.



P.S. If you think about additional ways to free up more time to work, or you work to reduce feelings of guilt, anxiety, helplessness, or depression, consider consulting with a psychotherapist.

