
Employment Application

Please contact our Human Resources department at if you have any questions about our application. We look forward to reviewing your submission.

Contact Information

  1. Proof of U.S. citizenship/immigration status will be required.

  2. Education

    High School

  3. College or Trade School

  4. College or Graduate School

  5. Employment History

    List employment from the past 10 years, starting with your most recent job. Account for any time period that you were unemployed by stating the nature of your activities. Additional jobs and details may be included in your uploaded resume.

    Employer 1

  6. Add Employer

    Application Uploads

  7. References

    Please list three personal references, other than prior employers or relatives, whom we can contact.

    Reference 1

  8. Reference 2

  9. Reference 3

  10. Additional Information

  11. Job Description

  12. Driver's License

  13. Verification of Credentials & Release

  14. Professional Licenses/Certificates/Numbers

  15. Other Licenses

  16. Certifications

  17. Your Signature

    It is understood and agreed upon that any misrepresentation by me on this application will be sufficient cause for cancellation of this application and/or separation from the employer’s service if I have been employed. I give the employer the right to investigate all references and secure additional verification and information about me, if job related. I hereby release from liability the employer and its representatives for seeking such information and all other persons, corporations or organizations for furnishing such information. I understand that just as I am free to resign at any time, the employer reserves the right to terminate my employment at any time, with or without cause and without prior notice. I understand that no representative of the employer has the authority to make any assurances to the contrary. I authorize Plains Area Mental Health Center to release or otherwise disclose verbally or in writing information to any and all prospective employers regarding my job performance while employed by Plains Area. I understand that the information to be provided includes but is not necessarily limited to the following: position(s) held, dates of employment, reason(s) for termination and job performance. I hereby release from liability Plains Area, its employees, directors, officers and agents from any liability of any type for releasing said information including any and all claims for damages of whatever type, regardless of whether such claims are in the nature of tort claims, contract claims or otherwise. Waiver Release: I hereby give my permission to Plains Area Mental Health, Inc. to conduct an Iowa criminal history record check with the Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI). Any criminal history data concerning me that is maintained by the DCI may be released as allowed by law.
  18. Please type your full name to serve as an electronic signature.