Community Education

Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)

What is Critical Incident Stress?

Critical Incident Stress (CIS) is the cognitive, physical, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual reactions of people who experience psychologically disturbing events as a result of their jobs.

What Does CISM do?

CISM training enables individuals and organizations to provide peer-to-peer support to people who have experienced trauma on the job. It comes in many forms, including:

  • Pre-Crisis Stress Management training for both individuals and organizations.
  • Disaster/large-scale incident support programs (Briefings, Staff Advisement, etc.)
  • Defusing (Structured small group support within hours of a crisis).
  • One-on-one Crisis intervention/counseling throughout all crisis stages.
  • Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD), group discussion within 1 to 10 days post crisis (for acute symptoms, follow-up, and possible post-crisis closure).
  • Follow-up and referrals for assessment and treatment.

International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, INC.

What does the ICISF do and who do they serve?

ICISF is a nonprofit that provides training in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), a comprehensive, integrative, and multicomponent crisis intervention system. ICISF serves emergency response professions, individuals, organizations, and communities worldwide.

ICISF provides the emotional, psychological, and spiritual first aid necessary to transform lives and help revitalize communities in the aftermath of crisis. Learn more at

Request a Training, Presentation, or Debriefing