
Adult Separation Anxiety

Posted September 6, 2021

Separation anxiety isn’t only seen in children. It can cause significant difficulties for many adults. Adults with separation anxiety fear that bad things will happen to important people in their lives or a heightened fear of being alone, among others. Physical symptoms related to separation anxiety can include nausea, headache, and sore throat. Separation anxiety can stem from a parent, partner, or a child moving away. It may also be related to another underlying mental health condition. Sometimes a significant life change, such as a divorce, can cause a person to develop adult separation anxiety. The condition is manageable with treatment. Possible options include cognitive behavioral therapy, group or family therapy, and medications, such as antidepressants.

Many adults suffer from separation anxiety issues and either may not be aware it or fail to seek treatment. Thus, separation anxiety in adults is likely underreported, and a much more widespread problem than originally believed to be. In addition to therapy, finding support can also be beneficial. Support groups for adult separation anxiety may be a big help because it provides the person with additional social support beyond the person they’re connected to. Plains Area Mental Health takes pride in treating the whole person by assessing both mental health conditions as well as substance use disorder conditions. Call one of our offices today or take our free online assessment found on this website.

P.S. Those with separation anxiety often have other co-existing conditions, such as social phobias, panic disorders, or agoraphobia.

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