
Are You Passive Aggressive?

Posted March 1, 2021

Passive-aggressive behavior is not a healthy way to deal with anger. While it’s easy to recognize in others―especially those we live and work with―noticing passive-aggressive behavior in ourselves can be much more difficult and, therefore, harder to correct. If you are concerned that you are guilty of being passive-aggressive, try paying attention to actions like sulking, sarcastic remarks, and insincere compliments. Avoiding those who have caused your anger may seem like a diplomatic way of coping, but it is rarely successful. Taking a brief break from the situation is a better way to deal with the problem instead of pushing it out of your mind so that it does not return in unhelpful ways.

The professionals at Plains Area Mental Health collaborate with clients to create a plan which addresses specific needs and goals. A caring approach integrating evidence-based practices is designed to address life’s struggles effectively in a way that is also uniquely tailored to you and your family. Whether you may face life’s daily stress or a chronic mental illness, we are here for you.  Call one of our offices for an appointment or take one of our on-line assessments. We are here for you.

P.S. Though everyone is likely to express a little passive aggression from time to time, practicing it consistently it can easily affect relationships and even careers.